7 Confidence Boosters For The Female Engineer

Are you looking to boost your confidence in simple ways that don’t take a lot of time and require little effort? Check out these instant confidence boosters which help you feel better about yourself and allow you to come into your own.

  1. Inspire other women in ways you are already empowered. Every woman needs to hear your wisdom and learn from your expertise in very practical ways. Share your story of triumph as often as you can. Did you know that success leaves clues?

  2. Visualize often where you are going. Having the ability to dream and knowing where to focus your attention and energy is good for creating clarity and igniting momentum.

  3. Wear clothing that flatters your complexion and body type. Being comfortable in your clothing screams confidence. It keeps you from worrying about if something looks good on you or not.

  4. Celebrate those things you are good at don't apologize for being so fabulous. You were born to be the best YOU!

  5. Concentrate more in the area of your strength rather than your weakness. Flow in the direction of your natural talent or gifting.

  6. Be ok with saying you are sorry & learn to forgive others. No need to hold on to un-necessary baggage. It only weighs you down and deflects from your character and feminine values.

  7. Be happy with who you are. Your identity is the core of who you are and sets you apart from everyone else. You were created to be different.

Eryka T. Johnson


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