10 Signs Impostor Syndrome May Be Affecting Your Success

“Although successful, I’m still a fraud…”

This past January while afforded the opportunity to share with some amazing business and career women from the Missoula, MT area during the MBN Symposium, we focused on women bringing their value to the table to build a strong collective feminine power through this year’s theme “Our Combined Talents Have No Limits.”

After addressing these women for over an hour, many approached me to share although that had never heard of the Impostor Syndrome they recognized they too suffered from several signs of it. In today’s article, I provide 10 Signs of Impostor Syndrome to watch out for that may affect you from experiencing the success you desire.

Impostor Syndrome, a widespread phenomenon, affects high achieving or successful individuals. It often involves one suffering from self-doubt and whose inner critic speaks contrary to what everyone else sees. In fact, the individual experiences success but their inner critic will tell them to doubt that success or track record. Some well-known celebrities and leaders in the business industry admitted to suffering from Impostor Syndrome yet considered experts and giants in their industries.

Here are 10 signs Impostor Syndrome may be affecting your success:

  1. Anxiety, worry of being found out – you worry if others realize you are not as intelligent, organized or put together as you portray

  2. Belief you don’t deserve it – you worry that you are not good enough to experience success or receive recognition for your work

  3. Difficulty accepting praise – whenever praised for a job well done instead of responding with “thank you”, you may say “oh, it’s not a big deal”

  4. Fear of what others think – you stress about what others think when it’s not your concern

  5. Feelings of inadequacy despite evidence of success – although a strong track record, you still feel like you don’t possess everything to succeed

  6. Focus more on what’s not complete – instead of taking time to celebrate your accomplishment, you move the target and focus more on what’s yet to get done

  7. “I’m a fraud or fake” – you think negative thoughts of yourself and your personal self-image lacks confidence

  8. Self-doubt – regardless of how far you go in your success journey, you believe it’s never enough

  9. Self-imposed limitations – you limit your vision and keep yourself within a box instead of taking risks

  10. Wavering confidence or a lack thereof – because of your stifled belief, you refuse to take action but instead stay in the planning or worry phases

By no means is this list exhaustive, however, it provides a good view of what to watch out to ensure you remain successful.

Are you struggling in any of these areas? Please respond below.


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